an evOlving blog to

In an aquarian age

The rOle of the parent is to help, to serve, to teach, to guide.


The relationship between parent and child exists for the primary purpose of the parent’s transformation. Second, is raising the child. Parenting is a mutual journey of growth.

Awakened Parenting


Improving your relationship With your Children



Learning to be a mindful parent was probably the hardest thing I ever decided to do, & it has also most likely been the single biggest thing that has helped me on my journey as a mother.


In 2020 I began homeschooling—it has been fun, it has been frustrating, but it is always rewarding to watch the growth. Come along and I’ll share some of our projects and some insights.


“If you don’T see god in all, you won’t see God at all.”

— Nirinjan Kaur