Parent-Child Relationship


Our children come to us as part of our life lesson & we serve as a piece of theirs as well.
Everyone enters the parent-child relationship knowingly. It is a partnership in the deepest & most profound of ways.
Your child comes to you to show you the areas where there is still trauma to work through.
Our children are of a different time than we are, quite literally, because every child born in 2012 & on is a child of the Aquarian Age.
We have entered into a new time, a new way of being.
This means no longer can we parent from the place we were raised. Our children have different needs than we once had.
That means, we as parents, must continue growing & evolving.
Our children come to aid us in our journey of Awakening.
Children are a great way to focus in the Now moment.
Children force you to be fully present.
Your relationship with your child is showing you areas of your life where you are continuing to be triggered.
These are daily invitations to work through these stories.
These are not bad. They all served their purpose at one time.
Most stories were there to help us, to protect us, in one way or another.


Conscious Parenting


Parenting In an Aquarian Age